In my last post I discovered large differences between West Asian and European mtDNA with low coverage mtDNA data. Within Europe and most of West Asia it is impossible to find such large differences between differnt regions/ethnic groups with low coverage mtDNA data.
Now, I have been able to find a great amount of mtDNA differences between two European ethnic groups: Danish and Basque, because I have high coverage mtDNA data from both of them.
Here's my comparison analysis of Danish and Basque mtDNA.
Basque, Danish mtDNA H
Basque, Danish Other mtDNA
Basque vs Danish mtDNA Frequencies
All of the Danish data was fully-sequenced but for Basque only their H was fully-sequenced. So, I wasn't able to find a lot of differences between most non-H in Basque and Danish.
H takes up nearly half of European mtDNA and 90%+ of H remains undefined with low coverage testing. Fully-sequenced Danish and Basque H reveals European H is far from uniform. Nearly 50% of the H from each appears to have separated from each other 8,000+ years ago.
Most noteworthy is that about 60% of H1/H3 in Basque and Danish probably separated from each other 8,000+ years ago. This is noteworthy because H1/H3 take up 40-50% of pan-European H and are very rare in West Asia. They're probably the most important part of the history of H in Europe.
Outside of H Danish differentiation with Basque reflects their higher amount of "Steppe" ancestry(U5a, U4, T1a, J1b1a, J2a1a1, and I). Outside of H Basque differentiation with Danish mostly reflects Basque-specific founder effects(U5b1f1a, J1b1a-16368, J1c5c1) and a higher amount of "EEF/WHG" ancestry(K1a, HV0(xV), T2(xT2b, T2c1, T2a1b, T2f, T2e)).